Grow/accelerate your in-house creative operations with Agency Inside

Do you plan to bring
more activity in-house
in 2022/23?

YES 60%

Source: ISBA, Alchemists & CvE 

Introducing Agency Inside - the only turnkey solution on the market that offers you a full in-housing set-up within 12-24 months, with no ongoing managed service costs thereafter.

In the next five minutes, we’ll give you a quick definition of in-housing types, unpack our bespoke in-housing solution and show how it can benefit your internal operations and objectives, customer relationships and, ultimately, P&L.  

Defining in-housing/creative ops

In-housing – a short definition

Relying on multiple specialised agencies can be costly and (often more importantly) can slow down your brand’s comms and marketing output. Streamlining and uniting all or a large part of your marketing and creative activity in an in-housing model can deliver real benefits: 

• Increase speed-to-market of your customer communications. 

• Give you the opportunity to fully realise the investment you will have already channelled into data and marcom technology. 

 • Truly harness the power of your internal brand knowledge​ – making your customer comms more authentic and truer to the essence of your brand. 

• Cost efficiencies and savings on marketing spend.

There are four types of in-housing as defined by the IHALC 

Type 1 

Executes solutions by producing master artwork and ​adapting to spec.

Type 2 

Originates design and copy solutions to simple/single-channel briefs. Crafts and evolves brand guidelines.​

Type 3 

Activates big campaign ideas in multiple channels.​ 
Originates and develops tactical campaign ideas.​

Type 4 

Devises brand/campaign/ channel strategy.​ Originates and develops big campaign ideas.​

Agency Inside can help you wherever you are on your in-housing journey. But you’ll see the greatest benefits from types 3 and 4 – particularly around ROI and cost​, agility and speed,​ and general marketing effectiveness.  

There is no longer a kind of above and below the line, there is no longer any kind of differentiation between the two, there is just a spectrum of work. And you have to be good at all of it. And I think it’s easier to do that from an in-house point than it is to control that externally.

Robin Garton
Executive Creative Director, Sky Creative Agency

The rise of the in-house agency is one of the big changes in the way big brands manage their communications needs over recent years. While cost has been an initial driver of the trend, successful operations are demonstrating that they can deliver significant additional benefits such as speed of response. Greater maturity of the sector is also giving brands more confidence to expand their operations both in terms of scale and capabilities.

Stephan Loerke

Lego has built an in-house agency over the past 4 years, whose remit includes creative, media and data analytics. The in-house team provides… complete integration – same goals, same agenda, the ability to solve problems very quickly, much greater learning across the organisation.

Julia Goldin
Global CMO, the Lego Group

Lloyds Banking Group has set up an in-house creative agency as we seek to make considerable savings, move faster and create more empathetic customer communications. It had been a long-held ambition to create, at scale, a new internal creative agency for Britain’s biggest retail bank.

Richard Warren
Director of Marketing Communications,
Lloyds Banking Group

Agency Inside’s approach is new and different 
​Unlike other suppliers, Agency Inside offers a full turnkey solution for creating bespoke in-housing solutions. We are the only company that bridges consultancy through to execution.  

What does this mean for you? 
Agency Inside approaches each client with the single-minded objective to fully integrate a uniquely defined model into your business and have it up and operational within 12-24 months, with no further managed service costs to the brand thereafter.  

We cover consultancy to advise, create a business case, design, recruit and train staff, and set up and run the​ in-house operation, allowing you to continue focusing on BAU and your other business and brand priorities. 


In-housing – reap the double benefits from the consumer and tech revolution. 

The aspiration was to build an agency where we had media, creative and data sitting closely together. We wanted to overcome some of the traditional silos and think about building a new agency model that is much more fit for activation and brand building in the digital world – more agile and data-driven. We needed to build this ourselves. We felt that the existing agency model was broken. If you think about how much change digital has brought to how we connect to consumers, it is surprising that the agency models weren’t changing faster. We needed a new operating system for building our brands, including very different processes that were far more agile and that we were much closer to.  

Thomas Heilskov
Senior Director, Global Head of The Barn at Arla 

Agency Inside is the only turnkey solution on the market that offers you a comprehensive in-housing set-up within 12 to 24 months with no ongoing managed service costs thereafter.  

To get you there, we’ve developed a three-stage process – shaped around your needs, budget and aspirations – to build and sustain an in-housing model that will deliver the highest levels of strategic thinking and creative.   

Stage 1 is an in-depth audit of your specific needs and the potential of in-housing within your organisation. 

Contact Chris Ward, Chief Revenue Officer, to arrange a meeting and discuss the pain points, planning, process and proof, and the value of the stage 1 audit in planning the right model for you.